Happy Monday Quotes​

monday quotes

Mondays are one of the hardest days of the week for many. However, it’s time to learn how to love them. Happy Monday is not just the beginning of the week; it’s a mini-New Year-a new opportunity to come a little closer toward your dreams and establish the right kind of expectations for the week ahead. 

It is no longer a burden to be taken but a potential waiting to be explored. This is because positivity is an ability that can transcend your Monday blues into a motivator.

Starting a new project, catching up with friends, or just reviewing the beauties of life is how Mondays are made a day of rejuvenation and zeal. It is meant to inspire you, lift you, and smack your face with the reality that every Monday is a new gift, a blank canvas where you can pull out your brushes to paint it as positively as possible. 

In this write-up, let’s have a look at quotes for every mood, which if followed, can get a perfect start to an entire week full of enthusiasm and happiness. You can also check out inspirational quotes on wednesday.

Monday Quotes for Motivation and New Beginnings

Monday is the springboard for all the correcting you did wrong last week and dreaming up new starts.

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Let Monday be the morning sun and the first step you take toward greatness.

A happy Monday begins a successful week.

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Like the New Year’s Day of a year, every Monday offers a chance to start over.

Mondays are not a curse. They are more like cold water splashed on one to awaken him.

The mood we carry on Monday sets up the tone for the rest of the week.

Monday is when we make ‘someday’ into ‘today.’

The entire possibility to unleash one’s power comes from a Monday positive attitude.

Mondays are nothing but another try by the universe.

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Starting your Monday with that time of the day-The rest of your week is likely to follow suit.

With confidence, take the bridge descended in sleep all year long from sweet dream to real life.

A happy Monday is a hope-filled heart shining out.

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Mondays are all about keeping the promises you made to yourself.

The best time to create a week is to make it on Monday.

Monday is when your seeds of success for the entire week are sown.

A happy Monday marks the beginning of an idea-filled week.

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Mondays, I promise, are for dreaming big and working so much harder.

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Monday reminds you that each day is nothing but a second chance.

Monday is about rewriting one’s life with optimism.

A joyous Monday never fails to ignite a week that pushes things to be achieved.

Funny Monday Quotes

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Monday is proof that coffee has superpowers.

Mondays are nature’s way of saying, ‘Ready, set, no snooze!’.

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Monday won’t kill you, but caffeine withdrawal might.

Smiling on a Monday is the bravest thing you’ll do all week.

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Dear Monday, you’ve got some nerve showing up every week!

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Monday is the alarm clock’s favorite day.

Mondays and mornings: the world’s least favorite duo.

If Monday had a face, I’d give it coffee and a hug.

Monday is like the villain in a feel-good movie.

Mondays are what give weekends their magic.

Be the sunshine that burns through Monday’s gloom.

Monday’s motto: Rise, grind, and don’t forget your sense of humor.

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Mondays are the gym of life—tough, but you’ll grow.

I didn’t choose Monday; Monday chose me.

Make Monday laughable, and you’ll survive the week.

Monday is a prank the calendar plays on us weekly.

When life gives you Monday, bake it with kindness and coffee.

If Mondays were optional, I’d still snooze.

Productivity and Success Quotes for Monday

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Monday is a day of putting plans into action and making dreams happen.

A fruitful Monday lays the groundwork for a successful week.

Mondays are about taking that first step to achieve your main goals.

The key to having a great week is a focused Monday.

Monday’s a good day to chose progress over perfection.

Monday is a happy day, which is a work day.

Monday: there is no place for excuses here. Just go for whatever you have to do.

The energy you put into Monday decides your success in the week.

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Mondays are meant to build intentions and fulfill them immediately.

Dammit! We have a motivational Monday all year for a successful week.

Mondays are those who bring control back to your life.

The surest way to predict the future is to make it on Monday.

Work hard and dream big on a Monday.

A productive Monday is the secret to a fulfilling week.

Mondays center the mind on what is truly wanted in life.

A happy Monday is a ladder to a successful week.

Making Mondays convert ‘can’t’ to ‘can’ and ‘will.’

Can you find that the effort put into Monday portrays what you attain in a week?

Mondays are you chasing goals and not just deadlines.

A happy Monday is the key to a week of success.

Monday Quotes on Inspiration and Joy

Monday comes to bring happiness on your way, not just happiness after arrival.

A cheerful Monday day is a reflection of a merry heart.

Monday is for everyone to wrap up life in their arms and embrace with optimism and smile on their faces.

A Monday as joyous as that is composed of love and laughter.

Nothing else but little things keep us going on Mondays.

A happy morning is actually Monday when you start the week newly with energies.

Monday is all about life and rejoicing.

Monday should be a day filled with optimism and hope.

You should find joy at every place you go to.

Conversely, the more joy you bring to Monday, the more it brings you.

Monday is a day full of rejoicing in the present moment.

A happy morning is some kind of Monday that begins the week to lead a happy week.

Create memories that will stay for all time on a Monday.

A happy morning is some kind of Monday that begins with love, laughter, and illumination.

Monday is a day for finding beautiful things in ordinary things.

The happiest Mondays are those spent with loved ones.

Monday is all about finding happiness of your own in the journey, not after the destination.

A happy Monday is the day to begin a bright week.

Monday is all about celebrating life itself.

A happy Monday is a reflection of a day filled with hope and happiness.

Quotes for Monday on Positivity and Gratitude

Mondays are better with the counting of credit rather than problems.

A grateful heart makes Monday blues feel like Monday less.

Start your Monday with a serenity on your face, and feel the rays of a grinning world.

Mondays are a reminder that life is indeed a gift, while reminding it with celebration.

The most joyous Mondays are those that inspire feelings of being thankful and caring.

Monday is the day to notice the small thing that makes life in big.

An unwaveringly thankful heart makes the weekdays positive.

Rejoicing in the beginning of new starts.

Righteous living makes ordinary Mondays into extraordinary ones.

It is the right time to count your blessing and change your attitude for a good start.

To have a happy Monday you need to start by being grateful.

Monday is meant for appreciating the journey, not just the destination.

The more you appreciate Monday, the more Monday appreciates you.

Mondays are a white page: write stories with the vibrancy and magic.

A grateful mindset makes each Monday a work of art.

Mondays are appreciating the ordinary things and make something magical out of the mundane.

Begin your Monday with thankfulness and the week will pay you for it.

Mondays are wonderful opportunities to sprinkle scents of kindness and happy thoughts.

A happy Monday is built within the thankfulness.

For ages, Monday simply celebrates the gift of another week.

Final Takeaway

Mondays are always a fresh start to begin the working week. It a break away from work that the individual can utilize to recharge and reset. There are many quotes dedicated to Happy Mondays, and they are divided into different categories- motivation, joy, productivity, and positivity.

The message is to make sure that every Monday has to feel energized and thankful to welcome Mondays. Everything begins with the right thinking when, at the outset of the week, success and happiness start flowing. Every Monday, remember that new possibilities as well as new memories can be made by you.

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